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Sustainability at TAFE encompasses the economic, environmental and societal aspects of the world we live in. We believe in working with stakeholders to evolve a business that:

  • Aligns with our values to ensure long term, consistent and reasonable returns on investments to our investors.

  • Respects the environment we live in and takes all steps to minimize/ eliminate any adverse impact on it while conserving natural resources, through utilization of renewable energy sources where possible and limiting consumption of non renewable energy sources.

  • Recognize our responsibility towards the society at large, and more specifically, the people we serve as a business.

Sustainability is at the heart of TAFE’ s manufacturing processes. Even before formal regulatory guidelines were in place, TAFE has been continually improving its policies and procedures to enable sustainability in its operations.

As a builder of diesel-fuelled machines, we understand that going green and minimizing the effects on the environment is not just a matter of meeting regulatory requirements or guidelines, but a serious responsibility.

TAFE has always been driving its employees to think green at every level and has implemented a combination of techniques to reduce the impact of manufacturing on the environment.

While TAFE is persistently engaged in improving its processes and products, it consciously aims at reducing its carbon footprint. We strive to minimize the use of precious natural resources of energy and water in the manufacturing process at every stage by employing innovative ideas.

Every parameter of environmental sustainability is linked to an ambitious target, stricter than government-proposed norms. This stands testimony to the solemnity that TAFE attaches to sustainability.

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