Corporate Profile

Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR

Constitution of CSR Committee

  1. Mallika Srinivasan – Chairman & Managing Director
  2. Sankar Datta
  3. P B Sampath

Brief Outline of CSR Policy

The Company has adopted among other things the following objectives as part of its CSR:

  1. Promoting healthcare
  2. Promoting education and enhancing vocation skills
  3. Improving environmental sustainability
  4. Promotion of arts and traditional skills
  5. Agricultural research, skill development and tribal welfare

The CSR programs / activities of the Company, will relate to the activities included in Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 (as amended from time to time).

Policy on Directors Appointment, Remuneration and Terms of Appointment of Independent Directors

The Company looks for the following attributes in appointment of Directors:

Whole-time / Executive Directors:

  • Considerable senior managerial experience in the business of tractors and agricultural machinery and / or other lines of business
  • Expert and in-depth knowledge in any relevant functional discipline
  • Sound track record / proven performance in businesses of comparable size, scale and technology
  • Vision to enable the Company to adapt and grow in a changing global environment and capabilities in strategy formulation
  • High level of probity, honesty and integrity

Independent Directors:

  • High level experience in organizations / institutions of comparable or better size, scale and technology
  • Functional specialization including professional / technical academic qualification
  • Recognition / accreditation by public institutions and stature
  • Capacity to add significant value to business decisions
  • Integrity and probity
  • Independence with no conflict of interest

Remuneration is fixed by the Board after taking into account market conditions, the director’s qualifications and value to the Company and profitability and other relevant factors.

The Independent Directors are appointed pursuant to the provisions of Section 149 of the Companies Act 2013. Mr. Sankar Datta and Mr. Chittranjan Dua are the Independent Directors who hold office till the AGM of 2021 and 2022, respectively.

The Independent Directors are eligible for sitting fees and remuneration/commission as approved by the shareholders.

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